Una miniera di storie, a mine of stories: this is the title we've chosen for Fiori Group's travelling library. Departing from the 2012 edition of our exhibition space at Ecomondo, it was destined to reach five public schools struck by the earthquake in Emilia region.
5 schools.
5 mobile libraries.
505 science books travelling between the classrooms of Crevalcore, Pieve di Cento and Mirabello.
505 small books compared to the destructive force of the earthquake.
505 big books which hopefully will help to rebuild a more serene future.
Fiori Group>>> read more (in Italian):
Comunicato stampa>>> download the bibliography reference:
101 books>>> download the book (8,8mb):
Una miniera di storie>>> press echo:
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A special thank you goes out to the students and teachers of the schools in the provinces of Bologna and Ferrara who have participated:
Istituto Comprensivo di Crevalcore:
Scuola Primaria "Mario Lodi"
Scuola Secondaria di I° grado "Marco Polo"Istituto Comprensivo "Edmondo Cavicchi" di Pieve di Cento
>>> One of five mobile libraries arrives at destination, teachers say thanksScuola Secondaria di I° grado "Angelo Gessi" di Pieve di Cento
Istituto Comprensivo "Andrea Costa" di Vigarano Mainarda:
Scuola Primaria di Mirabello -
Una miniera di storie - a mine of stories is a multidisciplinary project designed by Chialab (Beppe Chia and Alex Weste) for Gruppo Fiori (Tamara and Federica).
The exhibition space and the book have been designed by Chialab.
Locating, contacting and coordinating the schools has been the mission of Giannino Stoppani Cooperativa Culturale. They also took care of chosing the right books, composing the bibliography and coordinating the laboratories with the students.
Photography by Lorenzo Grandi and Silvia Canini. Press promotion by Mariagrazia Canu.