La scienza in fucina è l’arte di viver bene
Twelve ideal recipes prepared with special ingredients -
When we were first presented the possibility to publish an excerpt of 12 recipes, chosen from over 791 collected by the anonymous author, we were a bit surprised. After reading them, we felt how you feel when colour and form of an unknown dish surprisingly match the taste of the first bite. A pleasant and mysterious surprise, reading about cuisine and forge, vegetables and minerals, metals and alloys, amounts and recipes, stoves and melting pots... all melted together in one single process, seeking for the quality of life. At once we indentified ourselves with the story that reveals itself behind each recipe. In our daily work, we are pedantic stewards looking for the best metals, collecting and cleansing them carefully we cultivate the virtue of avoiding waste, leaving no residues we prepare them for the best smiths, for their alloys, knowing joyfully that their melting pots will reveal dormant qualities.
Chiara, Federica, Tamara
>>> download the book, published on occasion of Ecomondo 2013:
La scienza in fucina è l'arte di vivere bene(4,5mb)